Research Information and Articles
Check out some of our featured articles and learn more about our efforts. Our media database includes Treekeepers WC articles as well as state and county happenings affecting trees and related Climate Change actions.
Tree-Friendly Development
“Where Affordable Housing Meets, and Keeps, Large Trees”, an article by one of our partner organizations, Trees For Life Oregon: https://www.treesforlifeoregon.org/affordable-housing-meets-large-trees
“A Guide to Preserving Trees in Development Projects”, https://extension.psu.edu/a-guide-to-preserving-trees-in-development-projects
“Why Were the Trees Cut Down?”, by Sandra Fleishman, Washington Post, June 28, 2003, https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/realestate/2003/06/28/why-were-the-trees-cut-down/7321e50a-16f5-4e79-b781-47932cd4610a/
“Invisible Incentive to Preserve Large Trees”, Kyna Rubin, Trees For Life Oregon, https://www.treesforlifeoregon.org/invisible-incentive-to-preserve-large-trees.
Why Preserve Mature Trees
“Leaving trees alone might be better than planting new ones”, Fran Montaigne, Oct. 20, 2019, https://grist.org/article/leaving-trees-standing-might-be-more-important-than-planting-new-ones/
“Old trees store more carbon, more quickly than younger trees", by Tiffany Stecker, Jan. 17, 2014, "https://www.pacificforest.org/ee-old-trees-store-more-carbon-more-quickly-than-younger-trees/